Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Easily and Effectively Burn Calories Every Day

Ever wondered why women like Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kelly Ripa always have a good body shape even after giving birth? Apparently the key is the large amount of calories their bodies burn each day.
Then, how so we can burn enough calories every day? The following tips:
1. Drinking cold drinks Drink 8 glasses of cold water per day will burn more than 9.25 calories than drinking water with normal temperature. Research also shows that drinking water can increase metabolism, both to the middle of losing weight. The more water, less fat in the body.So, drink plenty of water, especially cold water so it will be a lot of fat burning.
2. Walking fast then slow down Do a little homework, for example when climbing stairs, doing a big step, this will make the body use more muscle. Do this quickly for 10 seconds, then slowly. Can also run up the stairs quickly and then switch to a slower speed. This will help your muscles relax and the elasticity of metabolism are also more flexible. It helps you burn more calories.
3. Eating foods rich in protein Your body uses more calories to convert protein to carbohydrates. For example, if you eat foods that contain 600 calories of protein, you'll burn about 180 calories. This means the number of calories absorbed by the body's 30 percent less.
4. Eat Spicy foods can make fat cells more responsive and helpful weight loss. Spicy foods also make you drink more water. With a moderate amount of coffee can also help you burn calories to 10 persenNamun, do not drink coffee with sugar, milk or cream.
5. Sport Types of exercise with a lot of moving arms and legs are very effective to burn calories.People who always sit for an average of 150 minutes per day would be difficult to burn fat. So rather than sit, occasionally change your sitting position and continue to try to keep moving.
6. Chew gum Chewing gum burns 11 calories per hour. To avoid artificial sweeteners to be safe for their weight, looking for chewing gum with xylitol chewing gum sugar or maltitol are easily found in stores.

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